The European Commission, together with Leiden – European City of Science 2022, is actively looking for early career researchers. Young, academic talent who can find solutions contributing to the goals of the five EU Missions from Horizon Europe over the EU TalentON event.
The first edition of the EU TalentOn will run between Wednesday September 14th , 2022 from 16:00 until Sunday September 18th , 2022 at 09:00, with the following schedule:
During the EU TalentOn, you and your future team mates are challenged to come up with the best possible scientific solutions to societal challenges. Expanding your knowledge, connecting to industry and institute partners, meeting likeminded individuals from all over Europe and solving some of our society’s most prominent challenges.
As part of a small dedicated EU TalentOn-team, your role is to take on a challenge related to one of the five EU Missions. Climate adaptation, beating cancer, smart cities, and achieving healthy soils and waters are amongst the themes that during the EU TalentOn you can contribute to.
See the 5 EU Missions.
Divided in small teams, young academic talents will receive the necessary tools to create innovative and marketable solutions with societal impact, as well as workshops, company visits, lectures, creative guidance and cultural experiences. At the end of the event, each team will pitch their solution to a professional jury and the public. Winners will receive amazing prizes!
The four-day event brings together early career researchers between the ages of 21 and 30 and features an extensive programme, co-created with academia, entrepreneurs and industry.
Early career researchers can apply to join the EU TalentON until the end of June.
All costs of participants, including travel, accommodation and mails will be covered.
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