
Conference on the Future of Europe

“The Future is in your hands”
(Conference on the Future of Europe)

The Initiative

A brand new European initiative is on place for anyone willing to participate. This is a great opportunity to raise your voice and share your ideas on the future of Europe. The European Union is indeed inviting the European citizens to take action over the Conference on the Future of Europe, to help out in shaping together the future we all want. The Conference has an online platform as room for debate. The European citizens are therefore invited to join in the discussion and express their thoughts on European challenges and priorities.

The Conference on the Future of Europe has the supervision of the three main European institutions: the European Parliament, the Council and the European Commission.

Any background, origin, career and path is welcomed. It doesn’t matter where you are from, what you do or what you have studied. The Conference on the Future of Europe wants the opinion of European citizens as a whole.

After receiving and collecting the ideas, the three institutions will be doing a follow-up on them, according to their sphere of competences, through the launch of specific recommendations.

The process will be finishing by spring 2022, with conclusions and a guidance on the steps to undertake afterwards.


All the European citizens can speak up. The European Union is expecting a special commitment from young people. They want them to play a central role in shaping the future of Europe.

Tools of the Conference

The Conference on the Future of Europe provides the following initiatives:

  • A multilingual digital platform: to share ideas and send online submissions, that will the topic of collection, analysis, monitoring and publication throughout the Conference; this is the place to share thoughts on Europe and the changes you want to see happening, see what others opinions, find events near you, organise your own event and follow the progress and the outcome of the Conference;
  • Events: online, in-person and hybrid events with people and organisations as well as national, regional and local authorities across Europe;
  • European Citizens’ Panels: to discuss different topics and put forward proposals; such citizens will be representative in terms of geographic origin, gender, age, socioeconomic background and/or level of education;
  • Conference Plenaries: to ensure that the recommendations from the national and European citizens’ panels are topic of debate without discriminations. Part of the Conference Plenary will be: representatives from the European Parliament, the Council and the European Commission,  representatives from all national Parliaments, and citizens. Plus representatives of the Committee of the Regions and the Economic and Social Committee, the social partners, and civil society.

How To Participate

Choose from the topics and share your opinion on the matter:

  • Climate change and environment;
  • Health;
  • A stronger economy, social justice and jobs;
  • EU in the world;
  • Values and rights, rule of law, security;
  • Digital transformation;
  • European democracy;
  • Migration;
  • Education, culture, youth and sport;
  • Other.

Then your ideas will be object of discussion during the Conference Plenaries and inside the European Citizens’ Panels. They will then pass to and develop into official recommendations by the European Union.

As already mentioned, this is a great opportunity to develop your personal ideas and see them on display for discussion among the main European institutions. Don’t miss it out!

Go to the Conference on the Future of Europe.

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