EU Covid Certificate To Travel Across Europe

The importance of the EU Covid Certificate is arising in Europe, especially after the mobility of people has started up again, once the lockdown restrictions have been eased. It it not clear by now how it will be necessary to travel or simply enter a restaurant, as there is not an inter-state coordination over it. The EU countries are setting their own rules that may differ from one another.

What we do know is that for anyone wanting to travel across Europe it is mandatory to own an EU Covid Certificate. Such necessity affects also the young people undertaking projects under the Erasmus Plus or the European Solidarity Corps programmes.

The EU Covid Certificate

The EU Covid Certificate is a digital document and its regulation entered into application on 1st July 2021.

An EU Digital COVID Certificate is a digital proof that a person has either:

  • got the vaccination against Covid-19,
  • received a negative test result, or
  • recovered from Covid-19.

The Certificate is valid either in digital or paper format. It shows a QR code and is available in your national language plus in English. It is valid in every EU country. Please remember that the UK, not being part of the European Unione anymore, has set different rules and do not recognize the EU Covid Certificate as valid to enter its territory.

The Certificate allows its holder to be exempted from the restrictions in place to the freedom of movement. Member States should refrain from imposing additional travel restrictions on the holders of an EU Digital COVID Certificate, unless they are necessary and proportionate to safeguard public health.

How To Get the EU Covid Certificate

The rules may vary on the basis of your country of residence/stay. Every National Health Authority sets out their rules to issue the EU Covid Certificate. You can check out how to obtain the Green Pass selecting you country of reference on the map.

The digital version can be stored on a mobile device. Citizens can also request a paper version. Both will have a QR code that contains essential information, as well as a digital signature to make sure the certificate is authentic.

All the EU countries have finished the testing phase and are now able to issue the Certificate to their citizens, a part from San Marino and the Vatican City.

You can obtain the Covid Certificate even if you have not received the vaccination yet. In fact, it is possibile to get one with a negative test result or with full recovery from Covid-19. The meaning is that the Certificate is not a pre-condition to free movement in Europe, but a way to facilitate free movement, as this is a fundamental right in the EU.

Re-Open the EU: Travel Rules

Find up-to-date information on travel and health measures in European countries, including on quarantine and testing requirements for travelers, to help you exercise your right to free movement. The information is up-to-date and available in 24 languages. This should help you plan your travel in Europe, while staying safe and healthy.

Read also

How To Get The Vaccine In Italy as a Foreigner


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