Discover the Eurodyssey Programme Traineeships


Are you a young person aged between 18-30? Do you want to gain work experience and improve your language skills in a foreign country? If yes, then the Eurodyssey Programme is for you!

The Eurodyssey Programme is a traineeship programme between European regions. It offers young people a three to seven-month paid vocational training course in a foreign business. The programme aims to provide young people with practical work experience while improving their language skills.

If it sounds great for you and you want to discover more about it, keep reading!

How does the Eurodyssey Programme work?

One of the programme’s main objectives is to give participants the opportunity to improve their foreign language skills while gaining practical work experience. To this end, the vast majority of participating Regions have set up language courses for trainees upon their arrival. These language courses can either be intensive and take place over a period of three to four weeks before practical training begins or be spread out over a longer period in parallel with the practical training.

During the practical traineeship, trainees occupy a defined position in the business and are subject to the timetable and rules of the receiving body.

One of the benefits of the Eurodyssey Programme is that no special qualifications are required to participate. Applications received are matched to the requirements of participating companies, and all expenses are covered. Trainees will either receive a grant from the host region or a wage from the firm, depending on how the Eurodyssey programme is run in the region concerned. Equally, trainees are covered by the social security system of the host Region, ensuring their safety and well-being while participating in the programme.

Several regions throughout Europe participate in the Eurodyssey Programme. These regions include:

  • Belgium (Bruxelles Capitale, Wallonie), 
  • Croatia (Varazdin, Sibenik-Knin), 
  • Cyprus (Union of Cyprus Municipalities), 
  • France (Corsica), 
  • Georgia (Adjara), 
  • Ireland (Údarás na Gaeltachta), 
  • Italy (Sardegna, Valle d’Aosta, Trento), 
  • Portugal (Azores, Madeira), 
  • Romania (Hunedoara, Timis),  
  • Spain (Catalonia, Murcia, Valencian Community).

The deadline to apply is set on May 12th. Learn more about the Eurodissey Programme by visiting the official website Eurodyssée website!


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