
How Many Times Can I Participate in the European Solidarity Corps? New Rules 2024


The European Solidarity Corps 2024 (ESC) is an initiative that allows young people across Europe to engage in meaningful volunteering projects, internships, and solidarity projects. It offers a unique opportunity to gain valuable experience, make a positive impact, and connect with like-minded individuals from different cultures.

Since this year, some rules regarding the functioning of the programme have changed. Among these is the number of times you can repeat this experience!

If you have already participated in an ESC project in the past and you are wondering if you can do another one, read on and find out what the rules of the European Solidarity Corps 2024 guide say!

General rules

The general rule is that the total time spent on ESC volunteer activities must not exceed 12 months, and the activities must not overlap. These activities should also be considered in relation to those undertaken within the Erasmus Plus/European Solidarity Corps.

How many times can i do the ESC?

You can participate in a long-term ESC individual volunteering activity only once and for a maximum of 12 months. The only exception to it is that a second individual cross-border volunteering activity longer than 2 months is allowed only for young people with fewer opportunities or in duly justified cases determined by the National Agency. 

However, this restriction does not apply to all the volunteering activities provided by the programme.

A volunteer can take part in:

  • a single individual cross-border volunteering activity longer than 2 months.
  • multiple individual cross-border volunteering activities lasting up to 2 months28;
  • multiple volunteering teams activities;
  • multiple in-country volunteering activities.

Let’s sum up the new rules with examples:

ESC Activities

Participation limits

Long-term Individual Cross-Border Volunteer Activities

  • Participation limit: you can participate only once
  • Duration: From 2 to 12 months

Short-term Individual Cross-Border Volunteer Activities

  • Participation limit: you can participate multiple times, even if already participated in a long-term individual cross-border activity
  • Duration: From 2 weeks to 2 months
ESC Teams
  • Participation limit: you can participate multiple times, even if already participated in a 1ong-term individual cross-border activity
  • Duration: From 2 weeks to 2 months
Solidarity Projects
  • Participation limit: you can participate multiple times, even if already participated in a 1ong-term individual cross-border activity
  • Duration: No specific limitations

Individual Volunteering in the Humanitarian Aid Sector

  • Participation limit: you can participate only once
  • Duration: Variable

Some examples

Here are some examples to explain more clearly how the new rules work:

  1. Long-term projects: You participated in a long-term individual volunteer activity for 10 months. Now you can’t undertake another long-term volunteer activity but you could join short-term projects, volunteer groups, or solidarity projects for other 2 more months;
  2. Short-term projects: You completed a 1 month short-term individual project. Now you are still eligible to participate in another short-term volunteer project, a long-term volunteer activity, and various group activities or solidarity projects for other 11 months;
  3. ESC Team: You took part in a ESC Team project. Since group activities are repeatable, you can participate in another group project, a long-term or short-term individual volunteer activity, or a solidarity project up to the total of 12 months;
  4. Solidarity projects: You joined a solidarity project. You can continue to join more solidarity projects, as well as any volunteer groups, short-term individual volunteer activities, or long-term individual volunteer activities if you haven’t reached the 12-month limit;
  5. Humanitarian AID Volunteering: You participated in a 6-month individual volunteering activity in the humanitarian aid sector. You will not be able to undertake another individual humanitarian aid volunteer activity unless she qualifies for an exception, but you could engage in short-term volunteering, volunteer groups, or solidarity projects for other 6 months.


The European Solidarity Corps 2024 offers flexible participation options, enabling young people to engage in multiple activities and contribute to various projects.

With the updated rules, participants can better plan their involvement and maximise the benefits of this programme.

What do you think? Have you already participated in a ESC project and now you are thinking about repeating the experience? Let us know in the comment! 


Last updated: 16/07/2024 by Youth4Europe Editorial Staff

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