Category: youth opportunities

Mar 04
UN Volunteers 2021: Application Open

The United Nations have addressed the pandemic issues calling for volunteers. Given the role of UN in the global pandemic, as an entity that gives international assistance and support where most needed, the UN has launched a call for volunteers, especially in the field of health and medical care. This is an unmissable opportunity to […]

Feb 24
Training Course: Improving Social Inclusion and Equality

S.A.L.T.O. Youth is the platform offering trainings, courses and learning opportunities for young people all over Europe. As a youngster, you can also choose to be up-to-date on the latest offers available, simply signing up here. The overall offer of opportunities is wide in terms of quantity and fields. A Training Course to Improve Social […]

Feb 18
ErasmusApp: Learn About Opportunities Abroad

The European Commission has recently launched the ErasmusApp to discover, free and easy on your mobile, the Erasmus opportunities abroad. You can now plan your Erasmus journey, covering all the steps at once. it contains information specific to the new Erasmus+ 2021-2027 programme. The ErasmusApp allows you to: Inform yourself; Check the deadlines; Reach out […]

Feb 03
Youth: Sustainable Development Post-Covid-19

The question that might arise nowadays among young people might be: How can I shape Sustainable Development in a post-Covid-19 world? Being young leaders to shape the future, and your future, is a responsibility. You have the chance to take that responsibility and collaborate to build the best world possibile. Youth has many advantages that […]

Jan 28
EuroPeers Online Training Course

EuroPeers: the network EuroPeers are youngsters that act as ambassadors in the European mobility network. European mobility for the new generation boosts local actions, along with active participation, social inclusion and the development of new skills and competences. Above all, the European mobility aims at promoting and developing European integration and citizenship. The overall purpose […]

Jan 19
European Commission Traineeship: Registration Open

Twice a year, the European Commission offers university graduates from the EU member states the chance to take part to paid administrative or translation traineeship for a period of five months, starting on 1 March or 1 October. This is a chance to get practical experience, plus the internship is paid and will tale place […]

Jan 05
Studying Abroad: European Higher Education

The benefits of studying abroad are wide and proven. Many recent graduates every year get the chance to go studying in an European country to complete their Higher Education. It is indeed a beneficial experience both on a human level, as a way of self-development, and on the academic side, given that an international studying […]

Dec 21
European Solidarity Corps 2021-2027: New Opportunities to Volunteer

The European Solidarity Corps represent an opportunity for young people aged 18-30 who are looking for an opportunity to help the wider community, in Europe and beyond. Through the program they can be involved in different activities into a wide range of topics (education and training, citizenship and democratic participation, environment and natural protection, migration, culture, […]

Sep 03
European Youth Event: time to get prepared

May 2020 means European Youth Event. And it’s time to start getting prepared! Do you want to meet other young people from all over Europe, to discuss and shape ideas about the future of the European Union? You need to know everything about the event and how to apply. What the European Youth Event (EYE) […]

Aug 06
EESC awards initiatives for gender equality in the EU

Are you an individual or an organization fighting for gender equality in the EU? Do you carry out an innovative and unique initiative rising awareness about gender equality? This is maybe the opportunity you were waiting for. Till September 6th, indeed, application process for the 2019 EESC Civil Society Prize is opened. What EESC is? EESC, […]

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