Work Abroad With the ALMA Programme

Want to work abroad but don’t know where to start from? In the framework of the European Year of Youth 2022, the European Commission has launched the ALMA Programme – an initiative that aims at helping young people – especially those with fewer opportunities, find a job abroad. “ALMA” stays for Aim, Learn, Master, Achieve and represents a step forward by the European Union to support those who are struggling, and have fallen into the gaps – young people not in any kind of employment, education or training (NEETs).

The ALMA Programme

The initiative ALMA aims to help young people find their way to the job market, especially the most disadvantaged NEETs aged 18-30 who are vulnerable with regard to their chances of accessing work or training for individual or structural reasons (e.g. disability, long-term unemployment, insufficient  school performance/vocational skills, migration background).

ALMA will offer participants:

  • a supervised stay abroad for a period of 2 to 6 months in another EU Member State
  • a comprehensive project cycle implying coaching and counselling at every step

The objective is to foster their inclusion within their home country by improving their skills, knowledge and experience and give them an opportunity to create new connections across Europe. The ultimate aim is their social inclusion and that they find their place in the job market.

Can You Participate?

ALMA is a cross-border youth mobility scheme that will transform the lives of disadvantaged young people not in employment, education or training. It targets young people who:

  • have difficulties finding a job
  • are in long-term unemployment
  • have insufficient school performance or vocational skills
  • have a migration background
  • or live with disabilities

What ALMA Offers

  1. Prior to their stay abroad, participants will receive intensive tailor-made training in their home country
  2. Participants will be offered a supervised stay including work placement with accompanying mentoring services for a period of 2 to 6 months in another EU Member State
  3. Upon their return, continued support will guide them and use the newly acquired skills in their home country to gain employment or further education

Plus, the programme covers the following costs:

  • travel
  • insurance
  • social security
  • basic needs such as food and accommodation
  • coaching and counselling before, during and after the stay abroad

How To Apply

Participants will be identified under the ESF+ programmes of EU Member States and regions that implement ALMA under their ESF+ programmes from 2022 onwards.

More information will be available soon. In the meantime, managing authorities and organisations interested in participating can contact: [email protected]

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