• Bring together 30 young people living in Europe with different backgrounds who are connected by a common bound with Africa
• Deepen the wide concept of African cultures, recognize similarities and peculiarities of different parts of Africa
• Compare and reflect on the European imaginary upon African cultures and the one brought by the participants
• Learn and share about different cultural features: basic words and sentences, literature, dances, music, food, lifestyles, world-views, afro-centric history and more
• Focus on topics like: international politics, human rights, European law, inclusion/integration, migrations, racism and xenophobia, activism
• Organize a local public fest and share with the local polulation the topics of the project, fighting prejudices, contrast the negative narration about African people. Enjoy africal culture together.
• Implement a fundraising campaign during the fest and donate it to a cause chosen by participants that supports young people with African origins
• Disseminate what participants learned in their local environment