Youth participation in politics and decision-making processes is a crucial aspect for the future of the European Union and several initiatives have been promoted to commit young people in view of the upcoming European elections. The project deals with youth participation in politics, advocacy and European citizenship and it aims at raising awareness in young people on EU policies and Institutions. “Youth for Europe” is a long-term project, funded by the EU Commission in the framework of the call European Youth Together (KA3 Erasmus+).
“Youth for Europe” offers the young participants the chance to play a central role in the European decision -making process and to get knowledge of the EU policies through intercultural learning, Non-formal education and peer to peer activities. The main objective of the project is thus to stimulate a bottom-up process which will promote a more inclusive European society and establish dialogue and cooperation among young people, policy makers and organisations, by fostering debates at local, national and European level on EU policies.
They will be asked to develop proposals to modify the current EU policies during six international Youth Exchanges.
Through meetings with experts and thematic workshops, the participants could decide how to create and promote their proposals
Their proposals will be collected on the online platform and then will be voted at European level.
The young people who proposed the most popular proposals will participate in the Large Scale Youth Exchange (May 2020) to present them to EU policy makers and institutions.
Each group will try to get the support by Members of EU Parliament to their proposals having the opportunity during the last meeting in Bruxelles to meet them in person.
The main goal of each Youth exchange will be then for young people to create policy proposals to reshape and improve the current EU regulation.
The role of the EU in youth policies is to enable of young people to receive the best education and training, and to find jobs across Europe. It is in the shared interest of policy-makers to recognise that education and culture are fundamental for job creation, economic growth and social prosperity. During the two Youth Exchanges in Italy and Hungary the young participants will get knowledge on the EU policies on education/job and youth opportunities and will be able to develop their own proposals on these topics. In particular the participants will reflect and discuss on the following issues: access to a quality education; access to decent jobs and the fight against unemployment; mobility /training policies for young people funded by the EU
Freedom of expression is one of the core principles of the European Union. But Freedom of expression can only be exercised in a free, fair and pluralistic media environment which will respect diversity, transparency and human rights. During the two Youth Exchanges in Spain and Italy the young participants will acquire knowledge on the EU policies on Media and web communication, and they will be able to develop their own proposals on these topics. In particular the participants will reflect and discuss on the following issues: Social media manipulation; Social media bullying; Hate crimes and media literacy
EU environmental policies and legislation aim to protect nature, to make green the EU economy and to safeguard the health and quality of life of people living in the EU.The EU plays a key role to promote sustainable development and greener cities. During the two Youth Exchanges in Romania and Spain the young participants will acquire knowledge on the EU policies on Environment and sustainability they will be able to develop their own proposals on these topics. In particular the participants will reflect and discuss on the following issues: Health and mental problems /depression in young people; Access to healthy food; Cities pollution
25/11-02/12, Italy
6-14/02/19, Spain
11-21/03/19, Spain
Topic: Media
9-19/04/19, Italy
Topic: Education
9/05/19, All countries
10-17/06/19, Hungary
5-12/07/19, Romania
7-17/09/19, Hungary
Topic Youth and Education
1-14/10/19, Romania
Topic: Environment
18-25/10/19, Germany
4-14/12/19, Spain
Topic: Environment
20-30/01/20, Italy
Topic: Media and data protection
01-04/05/20, Italy
15-23/05/20, Italy
21-25/09/20, Belgium
Youth4Europe involves the following Organisations: