EuroPeers are youngsters that act as ambassadors in the European mobility network. European mobility for the new generation boosts local actions, along with active participation, social inclusion and the development of new skills and competences. Above all, the European mobility aims at promoting and developing European integration and citizenship. The overall purpose of the EuroPeers network is indeed to let young Europeans know about the potentials and good outcomes of European mobility in any form. As EuroPeers are youngsters themselves, their active participation in delivering information about European mobility is even more effective and essential.
Each European member state hosts its national EuroPeers network, that is part of the overall international one. Thanks to the initiative of any single National Agency or national organisation that acts in the European mobility, the network has now a European dimension. It started in Germany, in 2005, From 2005 till 2014 around 650 EuroPeers took part in training courses. After that, other European countries followed the same path: Austria (2009), Poland (2012), Estonia, Norway and Belgium. In 2014 these six countries gathered for a strategic planning meeting and shaped a common understanding and vision for a Europeanisation of the peer projects existing at national level.
Afterward, other EU countries started their peers projects, including Italy and the United Kingdom.
EuroPeers are young people who have gathered European experiences of their own under the EU’s youth programme and want to share them with their peers. They may have gone abroad with the European Voluntary Service or dealt with European issues as participants in a youth initiative.
EuroPeers report on their experiences and talk to their peers about the Erasmus+ YOUTH IN ACTION programme, the European Solidarity Corps and other mobility schemes for young people. They either organise their own events or may be invited by schools, youth welfare offices or cultural centres to speak. All EuroPeers perform these activities voluntarily.
Becoming an EuroPeer may differ from each country to another. Generally, all you have to do is willing to be an ambassador for the European mobility and willing to do voluntary work for it. If the mobility project you have been part of in the past it’s been a meaningful and life-changing experience, if you want to tell others what your mobility experience was about and how it changed you, EuroPeers network may be for you.
S.A.L.T.O. has recently made available an online training course for EuroPeers. It is for young people who took part in European Solidarity Corps/Erasmus+ YOUTH IN ACTION projects and want to share their European experiences with their peers. Thanks to the course, you will learn how to organise different types of EuroPeer events and how to share your European experience effectively with your peers.
You can submit your application here. The deadline for submission is February 14th 2021. The date for selection is February 26th 2021.