Are you an individual or an organization fighting for gender equality in the EU? Do you carry out an innovative and unique initiative rising awareness about gender equality? This is maybe the opportunity you were waiting for.
Till September 6th, indeed, application process for the 2019 EESC Civil Society Prize is opened.
EESC, the European Economic and Social Committee wants to be the voice of organized civil society in Europe. It writes several information reports and organizes initiatives and events focused on civic society and citizens’ participation.
Annually, the EESC awards a Civil Society Prize, with a different annual topic. It aims at rewarding and encouraging organizations and individuals who gave a significant contribution to promote European identity and integration and to raise citizens’ awareness about specific topics. It wants, in fact, to show how organizations and citizens can underpin those values that can make European integration possible and can contribute to create a European identity.
This year, the theme of the prize will be “More women in Europe’s society and economy“. So, innovative initiatives aiming at raising awareness of and fight for gender equality in the EU will be awarded. They must be initiatives happening in the territory of the EU and carried out by civil society organizations or by individuals.
This year, the prize at stake is a 50.000 € contribution, that will be divided among the winners. The awards ceremony will take place during the EESC plenary session on December 11-12, 2019, in Brussels.
In order to apply, you need to fill a short form, explaining your idea/initiative, what makes it unique and innovative and what impact and benefits you think it can have. In order to fill the form, first give a look to rules.
You have time till September 6th, 10 a.m. (Brussels time).