Every first Wednesday of the month the European Parliament organizes an online meeting for European Solidarity Corps volunteers. The next upcoming appointment is on November 3rd 2021 from 6 to 7pm. This is a great opportunity to meet up with other European Solidarity Corps volunteers across Europe.
During the Zoom meeting, you will be able to
with decision-makers and experts. You can also ask questions, get inspiration from each other or even decide to take action together.
To not miss any update and to stay in touch with other European volunteers, you could also join the Facebook group TOGETHER.EU, the paneuropean group. Please make sure to answer the membership questions when requesting to join. The group is for together.eu members that have chosen to be actively involved and indicated they want to be a volunteer when subscribing on the website. Even if you are not very active yet as a volunteer, but curious to learn more, you are very welcome to join.
The Zoom Café is in English only. You will receive a link to the Zoom event after registration.
The event hosts a maximum of 100 participants.
Register to the event.
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