Eurodesk: Mobility Opportunities for Young Europeans

Eurodesk is youth information center. Its creation dates back to 1990. Eurodesk works in support to the Erasmus Plus programme and, as such, makes available to young Europeans the information about mobility opportunities across Europe. As a structure, Eurodesk provides 38 Centres in connection to local information providers in 36 European countries.

The overall mission of Eurodesk is to raise awareness on European opportunities and encourages young people to become active citizens. It federates over 1500 so-called “multipliers and ambassadors” that are regional or local organisations working with young people, delivering youth information and advising young people on mobility opportunities.

Eurodesk: Mobility Opportunities for Young Europeans

Eurodesk offers training and support to its members, to ensure the quality of the service.

The 10 key principles are:

  • working with qualified staff;
  • being free of charge;
  • taking into account individuals’ requirements;
  • providing information and guidance for all young people;
  • giving neutral information;
  • referring to other information services;
  • enabling access to local and regional information all over Europe;
  • providing information based on testimonials and true stories;
  • referring especially to financially support programmes;
  • working with verified sources.

Projects of Eurodesk

Among the projects that Eurodesk provides, many of them deal with mobility opportunities for young Europeans:

  1. Time To Move: studying, volunteering and internship opportunities abroad;
  2. Eurodesk Qualifying Training Programme: supports Eurodesk multipliers with basic knowledge, skills and values that are relevant to inform, guide and empower young people to participate in international mobility opportunities;
  3. YouthINFOCOMP: sets out to ensure that youth information professionals possess the necessary competences to support young people and provide quality services;
  4. Euroclasses: aims to raise awareness about European opportunities. All the classes have been designed for young people, they are based on non-formal methods. Different thematic modules are available;
  5. European Youth Portal: offers European and national information and opportunities that are of interest to young people who are living, learning and working in Europe.

Find your experience abroad with the Eurodesk Opportunity Finder. Or see the testimonials to get inspiration from.

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