Category: europe

Jun 05
All You Need to Know About the Bluebook Traineeships at the European Union

Introduction The European Union Institution’s Bluebook traineeship program offers a remarkable opportunity for young professionals to gain invaluable experience and insight into the workings of one of the most influential political and economic unions in the world. This prestigious program attracts talented individuals from diverse backgrounds who are passionate about contributing to the EU’s mission […]

Apr 06
ReSet the Trend, Embrace Sustainable Fashion

Introduction Fast fashion has become a major issue due to its negative impact on the environment. The fashion industry generates tonnes of waste and depletes our resources. In the EU alone, about 5.8 million tonnes of textiles are discarded every year, equivalent to 11.3 kg per person. The manufacturing of one cotton T-shirt consumes 2,700 […]

Jan 26
ErasmusIntern – Connecting Students and Companies for International Internships

Introduction  Are you a student or recent graduate looking to gain valuable work experience, learn new skills, and expand your professional network?  If so, you should definitely check ErasmusIntern! This website connects students and recent graduates with firms and organisations searching for international internships. The idea is simple: making it easy for students to discover […]

Jan 12
Traineeships in the European Union

Introduction Are you a recent graduate or young professional looking for a great job experience in the EU? Then the European Union’s traineeship programs are perfect for you! These traineeships offer an opportunity to gain valuable skills in teamwork and problem-solving, and may even lead to permanent employment. Plus, you’ll learn about the culture and […]

Jan 05
Apply for the European Charlemagne Youth Prize

Introduction  The European Charlemagne Youth Prize is an award for young people who are doing great things to promote European values and bring Europeans closer together. The Prize is a joint award sponsored by the European Parliament and the Aachen Foundation of the International Charlemagne Prize that recognises ideas by young people to improve democracy […]

Dec 23
EU Youth Dialogue: Connecting Young People and Policy Makers

The EU Youth Dialogue allows for communication and exchange between young people, policy makers, and youth organizations in the European Union. This dialogue guarantees the consideration of the opinions and needs of young people, then developed by EU youth policies. The EU Youth Dialogue is an important part of the EU Youth Strategy, which focuses on […]

Dec 22
Introducing Youth Talks: Inspiring Stories from Young Europeans

Introduction As young Europeans, young generations have the power to shape the future of our continent. And what better way to get inspired and learn new ideas for making a positive impact than by listening to their peers? That’s where the EU Commission Youth Talks come in. Youth Talks is a platform that showcases the […]

Nov 24
Position Paper | Improving the Inclusion of Highly Vulnerable People in International Mobility | ESC and Erasmus Plus

The Position Paper “Improve inclusion of highly vulnerable young people in international mobility in the framework of Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps” was created by an international consortium put together by Associazione Joint. The involved organisations are experienced in conducting mobility projects within the framework of Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps Programmes. The consortium is […]

Nov 17
Registrations for “Your Europe, Your Say!” are Open

Your Europe, Your Say! 2023 is an event organised by the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) that will take place on 23 and 24 March 2023 in Brussels. As part of Your Europe, Your Say (YEYS), 35 schools (from the 27 EU Member States, the seven EU candidate countries and one of the European schools based in […]

Nov 04
Erasmus Student? Have Your Say About the European Student Card

If you are an Erasmus student, the European Student Card should not sound new to you. As part of the broader initiative ESCI (European Student Card Initiative), the Card is also crucial to promoting student participation in educational and cultural activities in line with the vision to create a European Education Area by 2025. European Student Card Initiative […]

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