
What Europe does for you?

It is not necessary to undergo a degree in politics to understand and stimate the impact that the European Union has had on our lives. Starting with young people, the EU has successfully set out initiatives and opportunities over the years, since its foundation. With the time passing by, the offers for young people have multiplied. Just think about the Erasmus Plus Programme, the way it has evolved, beginning as a simply exchange programme, back in the 70s, for university students. Now it includes the mobility of all educational levels, and teachers, plus volunteering, in Europe and beyond, initiatives in the sport sector, and so on.

There might have been a time in your life when you wondered what exactly the European Union does for its citizens. This is relevant for all of us to feel like being part of an European community, and perceive ourselves as European citizens.

Benefits for European Citizens

Overall, the founding idea of the European Union is to guarantee peace and prosperity. And it’s been doing it since 1957. With the establishment of the Single Market, the European citizens have economic protection, plus free mobility throughout the European countries. The EU sets out high quality standards for the food we have access to, and the environment we live in. It has also strengthen the protection of human rights, including those of minorities and LGBT+ rights.

Going down to more day-to-day benefits, you might have noticed that you can access the internet on your phone without extra cost in all the EU countries. Your rights as a traveller are protected, that’s why you get a refund if your plane or train get cancelled. The small and local businesses enjoy an overall further protection against the globalisation rules.

This can’t be an exhaustive list however. What can help you discover the many initiatives of the EU toward and for you is “What Europe Does For Me”, a website that answers your questions.

What Europe Does for Me

what europe does for me

It includes 100s of concise, easy-to-read fact sheets showing how the EU makes a positive difference to people’s lives. This website presents a series of short notes exploring EU deliveries and actions from the individual’s point of view. In a one-page format, these notes are available for you to read, share or reuse. And if you want to dig deeper, have a look at the longer briefing papers on EU policies in focus.

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