
Tag: europe

Jun 18
Apply for a traineeship at the European Parliament

Application for Shuman traineeships at the European Parliament are still opened. Their aim? Contributing to the European education and vocational training of European citizens, providing an insight into the work of the European Parliament. It can be an enriching experience, giving the possibility to know a new work environment, in the core offices of our […]

Jun 07
European Youth Goals 2019-2027

11 European Youth Goals, chosen by young people, identifying cross-sectoral areas that affect young people’s lives and point out challenges. During the 6th cycle if the EU Youth Dialogue – Youth in Europe: What’s next? which was in 2017/2018 – young people were called to gather their voices and contribute to create the EU Youth Strategy […]

Mar 05
Copyright: negotiations are solving some criticalities

European Parliament and member states finally found an agreement about the EU new rules about copyright. Indeed, the EU is trying to adapt its rules to protect the right of creators in the digital era. After the Directive was approved by the Parliament (September 12th, 2018), negotiations started. In particular 2 articles finished under accuse: […]

Feb 20
Twitter: new rules for political ads

In view of forthcoming EU elections (May 23-26) Twitter set new rules to face the challenge of foreign interference. It will stop political ads coming from non-EU based accounts. But, coming to disinformation, are new rules enough? European elections, in the time of disinformation and cyberwar’s fear, cannot ignore social media, the main means of […]

Feb 11
Empower your voice: Youth Summit in Denmark

On May 2019, 200 young people will meet in Copenhagen for the Young Europe Youth Summit to discuss European key issues. Are you interested in the topics of culture, identity, migration, climate, international relationships and youth? Would you like to analyse, discuss your ideas and deepen your knowledge with other 200 young Europeans? This is […]

Jan 30
Privacy: EU celebrates Data Protection Day

Did you know? Few days ago, on January 28th, it was the World Data Protection Day. Launched in 2006, it is an important day for the Eu, that wants to celebrate the policies on the topics of data protection and privacy, expecially those of  last years. “We are proud to have the strongest and most […]

Jan 25
“I am Europe”: share a photo and fly to Brussels

The European Parliament launched Instagram competition “I am Europe”: share your photo and win a trip in Brussels, to the open day of the European Parliament, on May 4th. The idea behind the contest is that Europe is, and will always be, about all of us. A point that, according to the Parliament, is important […]

Jan 10
Roaming in the EU: more giga abroad

Nowadays smartphones are an extension of our body: they can do so many things that it looks like impossible to live without them. But, to make smartphones work fully, we need a growing quantity of internet gigabytes. Nowadays more and more people travel everyday, to work or for holidays and they often are abroad, or […]

Jan 04
Hate speech: a old, current, battle

Hate speech, online and offline, is as a moral as a political issue. It, indeed, questions the limit between freedom of speech and crime, between the possibility to say whatever you want and the negative effects this will have on people around you. Sure, it is not just a our days problem and actually in […]

Dec 27
Fake news: ready to take up the challenge?

Disinformation, fake news and access to reliable information are a very huge concern for the European Union. On the one side, fake news influence electoral behaviour; on the other side it is like very difficult to convince people of the falsehood of those news, even with facts. This is what we learn from a report published […]

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