Keen to travel the world while traveling? Not sure where to start from? We have found for you 10 ways to work while traveling, a challenging but beautiful way of living, that enriches you as a person and let you meet people, cultures and places out of your comfort zone. In 2020 many people turned […]
DiscoverEU is a community of young 18-years-old travelers that focuses on preparing their travel journeys, sharing their stories while or after traveling or providing tips and suggestions to other young travelers. As such, it works primarily through their official Facebook group. It was born under the initiative of the European Commission, and it is now […]
Eurodesk has launched the initiative “Time To Move”, to let young people discover the full range of possibilities and opportunities abroad. Every year in October the board organises the Time to Move campaign to inform young people about: studying opportunities; volunteering projects; internship opportunities abroad. And to help them find the most suitable programmes for […]
Twice a year, the Commission offers 5-month paid traineeships in its Directorate-Generals, agencies and bodies. The traineeships at the European Commission (Blue Book Traineeships) are a great opportunity to gain experience in a field of choice, while working in an international workplace in contact with policy makers. The European Commission traineeships take place mostly in […]
What Europe does for you? It is not necessary to undergo a degree in politics to understand and stimate the impact that the European Union has had on our lives. Starting with young people, the EU has successfully set out initiatives and opportunities over the years, since its foundation. With the time passing by, the […]
May 2020 means European Youth Event. And it’s time to start getting prepared! Do you want to meet other young people from all over Europe, to discuss and shape ideas about the future of the European Union? You need to know everything about the event and how to apply. What the European Youth Event (EYE) […]
A Eurobarometer published last March surveyed the approach of young people toward the EU. More specifically, 10.786 young people were contacted by phone and were asked about what EU priorities should be and about their own civic and political participation. The main EU priorities The interviewed young people were asked to indicate the main EU […]
Are you an individual or an organization fighting for gender equality in the EU? Do you carry out an innovative and unique initiative rising awareness about gender equality? This is maybe the opportunity you were waiting for. Till September 6th, indeed, application process for the 2019 EESC Civil Society Prize is opened. What EESC is? EESC, […]
The struggle against Climate Change is one of the priorities for the European Union. Indeed, for the European Environment Agency the EU is the third biggest greenhouse gases emitter in the world, after China and the US. According to several evidences, greenhouse plays a big role in climate change. Furthermore, as shown in the picture […]
Erasmus+ funding will triple in next years. But the biggest news is a major attention to lifelong learning and vocational activities. The European Parliament wants to triple the Erasmus+ funding in the next budget 2021-27: this is what has appeared few days ago on the official channels of the EP. This measure not only will […]